From a height of a thousand meters

even the most complex problem is transparent

Instead of a problem-focused attitude, our firm is committed to a solution-centric approach. We do not treat the emerging challenges as isolated factors, but interpret them in their full depth and context, in the way that best suits the needs of our clients.


Our professional perspective lies on two principles: stability and plasticity – because in our dynamically evolving environment, only those ideas have a long-term impact that can adapt to our ever-changing world.

The balance of opposities


  1. Data protection

    Overall data protection audit, compliance with GDPR regulation and other data protection legislations, legal consultation, legal representation in case of a data protection incident.

  2. Insolvency cases and crisis management

    Legal representation of creditors during liquidation and bankruptcy procedures, insolvency audits, legal advice for indebted companies, financial planning, elaboration of corporate and financial reorganization strategies, legal representation in enforcement procedures.

  3. Pharmaceutical and chemical industry

    Legal advice on manufacturing and distribution, regulations and health specifications, licensing and registration, drug safety.

  4. Real estate and construction law

    Purchase and sale of industrial, commercial, office and residential real estate, rental constructions, planning, providing legal background for construction planning, construction execution and real estate development, legal due diligence, settlement planning, full legal representation in regulatory and licensing procedures, development of financing structure.

  5. Civil law and arbitration

    Representation in litigation and non-litigation procedures, alternative dispute resolution, out-of-court settlement, representation before an arbitral tribunal.

  6. Copyright and Industrial Property Protection

    Acquisition and maintenance of rights, whether they are trademarks, patents, industrial designs or domains, franchises and other commercial networks, license agreements, copyright consultancy, in particular the purchase of softwares or the sale of in-house development, strategic advising.

  7. Company and commercial law

    Legal support for company building and operation, classical company law services, commercial and capital market transactions, legal representation and due diligence during acquisition transactions.


Our team

Works to represent the needs and interests of our clients in long-term collaborations with the greatest professional competence and in the highest quality for all their legal problems – because success is the most spectacular from a height.

Basic values


Law creates a unique type of order in our life, which is fundamentally different from any kind of structural or natural order because unlike those, it is flexible. And this flexibility gives such a colourful palette of opportunities that continues to impress us each and every day.


We strongly believe that law is the craft of the mind – and just like every prominent craftsman has their own secret method, every outstanding lawyer needs to have their own playbook of manners, methods and tricks to achieve the best possible result in any case.


Law was invented for the sole purpose of making our life better, safer, easier and fairer. Although a few millennia have passed and a lot has changed since then, but the purpose of the law has always been and always will be the same. The purpose of our firm is to serve the needs of our clients to the best of our ability and along these principles.

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